Sep 6, 2023
8 min read
4 reviews

Solana Developer Roadmap in 2023-24

‍In this article:

#1 — What is Solana blockchain?
#2 — What do Solana developers do?
#3 — The Comprehensive Solana Developer Roadmap
#4 — Rust + Solana Development for Beginners
#5 — Rust + Solana Advanced Development

Solana developers are in great demand today. Many Web2 developers are moving to Web3 with the help of Solana. This way of moving from Web2 to Web3 has its advantages and disadvantages. This article discusses the Solana developer roadmap for 2022 and how to learn Solana development at home as a beginner.

What is Solana blockchain?

The Solana blockchain uses the PoS (Proof of Stake) consensus algorithm. Its exceptional transaction processing speed derives from the PoH (Proof of History) solution, a groundbreaking mechanism that accelerates time synchronization among nodes by establishing a verifiable Proof of History. The Leader Schedule for validator nodes and the Turbine and Gulfstream data transfer protocols synchronize the interaction between nodes. This solves the problem of orphan blocks typical for other blockchains, including Ethereum, and reduces block mining time to 0.4 seconds.

Proof of History Solana | Solana developer roadmap - ICB Blog
Proof of History

The acceleration of synchronization between nodes in the Solana blockchain makes it fast enough to compete with complex centralized systems. Other innovations in this ecosystem include archivers that perform distributed data storage and optimized transaction recording via Cloudbreak. Solana blockchain nodes are rewarded for processing transactions in the utility token SOL. Unlike other PoS blockchains, it has no restrictions in the form of a minimum number of coins needed to create a node.

What are features of Solana | Solana developer roadmap - ICB Blog

You can dive deep into the Solana blockchain with our other article, "What you should know about Solana Development"

While some developers express concerns about the demanding nature of Solana's roadmap due to its relative novelty, the ecosystem benefits from a robust and collaborative community. 

Moreover, the ecosystem is constantly working on expanding educational materials for Solana's development. It encourages experts to create courses and conduct webinars and meet-ups. Solana guys even organize Solana hackathons twice a year.

Useful Terms:

What do Solana developers do?

The responsibilities of Solana developers depend on their experience. They must know Rust, the basics of Web3, Solana Frameworks like Anchor, Solana Developer Tools like Sealevel, and front-end frameworks like React.

Junior Solana developer responsibilities include:

Senior Solana developer responsibilities include:

What do Solana developers do | Solana developer roadmap - ICB Blog

Solana's popularity is rising, and its scope is expanding rapidly, finding utility across many industries. It is the bedrock for diverse projects spanning finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and supply chains. So, Solana developers create:

The broad utility of the Solana blockchain makes it evident that its potential is boundless. However, the demand for skilled Solana developers currently outstrips supply, prompting fierce competition among companies to secure their expertise. This scarcity has prompted a migration of Web2 developers who recognize the opportunities within the Web3 landscape and choose to embark on their journey with Solana.

Useful Terms:

The Comprehensive Solana Developer Roadmap

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain development, particularly within the Solana ecosystem, having a well-structured roadmap is essential for anyone aspiring to become a proficient Solana developer.

At IdeaSoft Career Booster, we've crafted two comprehensive free courses: "Rust + Solana Development for Beginners" and "Rust + Solana Advanced Development." We designed these courses to simplify your learning journey. As of 2023-24, they stand ready to support you in progressing from a beginner to a skilled Solana developer.

The initial stage of the Solana roadmap for developers is the course for beginners.

Rust and Solana development roadmap from ICB

Rust + Solana Development for Beginners

Learning Rust programming

We designed this course section to guide you through becoming a skilled Rust developer while equipping you with the essential tools and knowledge to excel in Solana blockchain development. 

Module 1: Rust Basics 
Begin your journey with an introduction to Rust, exploring its unique features and applications. Dive into the world of Rust applications and familiarize yourself with the tools necessary for effective development. Your first program will be a practical introduction to Rust's syntax and concepts.

Module 2: Types 
Delve into Rust's type system, gaining proficiency in working with various data types. Understand the nuances of referential types and how they contribute to building robust applications.

Module 3: Logic 
Master the core logic of Rust programming. Learn about variables, mutability, and control flow, essential for building dynamic applications. Explore pattern matching, a powerful technique for efficient data handling. Dive into functions, closures, and generics, honing your ability to write flexible and reusable code.

Module 4: Data Ownership 
Grasp the fundamental concept of ownership in Rust and how it manages memory. Learn about references and borrowing, crucial mechanisms for safe and efficient data manipulation.

Module 5: Error Handling 
Discover Rust's robust error-handling mechanisms. Explore strategies to handle missing values, manage recoverable errors, and gracefully handle irrecoverable errors in your applications.

Module 6: Traits and Generics Dive deep into Rust's trait system, understanding how to define shared behavior across different types. Explore the power of generics, enabling you to write versatile and adaptable code.

Module 7: The Standard Library 
Navigate the rich ecosystem of Rust's standard library. Learn to work with sequences, maps, and textual types efficiently. Master the usage of smart pointers, handle filesystem operations, and explore networking and threading.

Module 8: Libraries and Applications 
Explore modular code organization through Rust's modules. Discover how to structure your codebase effectively for maintainability and scalability.

Module 9: Testing 
Develop a robust testing strategy for your Rust applications. Learn about unit testing, integration testing, and the various options available for test runs.

Learning Solana development basics

Throughout these modules, you will navigate the fundamental aspects of Solana development, setting the stage for more advanced learning in the subsequent courses.  

Module 1: Getting into the Solana Blockchain
Begin your journey into Solana with a comprehensive introduction to its blockchain ecosystem. Gain a solid grasp of Solana, exploring its unique features and benefits. Delve into an overview of Solana's architecture, understanding the underlying principles that set it apart. Explore core concepts essential for Solana program development, and learn the practical steps to set up your development environment for a seamless start.

Module 2: Solana Programs Development with Solana SDK
Take the next step in Solana development by immersing yourself in Solana program creation using the Solana Software Development Kit (SDK). Demystify the concept of accounts within Solana, and embark on your journey by creating your first Solana program. Understand the significance of Program Derived Addresses (PDAs) and delve into cross-program invocation. As you progress, learn to craft advanced decentralized applications and embrace the best practices for ensuring the security of your Solana programs.

Module 3: Solana Programs Development with Anchor
Discover how Anchor can streamline your development process and enhance your efficiency.

Rust for Beginners and Solana basics | ICB

Rust + Solana Advanced Development

For developers seeking to deepen their expertise and tackle complex challenges in the Solana ecosystem, the "Rust + Solana Advanced Development" course offers an advanced roadmap. 

What you have to learn:

Module 1: Solana Basics Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive reference guide for advanced Solana concepts

Module 2: Automated Testing for Smart Contracts

Strategies for testing and validating smart contracts

Module 3: Full-Stack Development

Integrating Solana applications with both front-end and backend components

Module 4: Solana Development Ecosystem

Navigating the broader Solana development landscape

Module 5: Solana Advanced Security

Module 6: NFT Marketplace Development

Building components for minting, shopping, and auctioning NFTs

Advanced Solana Development | ICB

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